Body of Water

Pencil + Watercolour - 2016
"Icy The Future"
This illustration is a comentary on climate change and how the fact that it is a major issue that requires action is only 'dawning' on some people.
This piece is designed to be a concertina fold with each section on a panel and repeated.
Attack on Titan ● 2016

A promotional poster for a hypothetical musical remake of Attack on Titan.
StressFlix ● 2017

A response to a brief for Lot's Wife Magazine inspired by the theme of millenials and uni students.
Plant-a-terrarium ● 2017

A packaging design for a hypothetical company selling terrariums.
Sense of Place ● 2016

This illustration was about exploring a sense of space, this one I focused on Bitter Springs in the Northern Territory the sense of calm achieved from acceptance.
When Food Comes to Life ● 2017

This piece was inspired by the incredible culture in South Korea. Focusing on the fish markets in Busan and how the seafood seems almost alive its so fresh that it still moves.
Eggism ● 2015

Using photography and a bit of photoshop, the task was to create and illustrate a word ending with 'ism,' and took a creative and fun approach to the brief.